How to Navigate Your Creative Processes with Realistic Scheduling
Take charge of your creative processes with practical and actionable methods for optimizing personal and professional schedules for busy creatives.
Stories & Articles
Our Starter-upper blog is a place you’ll find creative trade secrets, shop talk and the trials and errors of a creative incubator. Our goal is to make things people will enjoy and want to share—from storytelling and copyhacking best practices to articles, videos and whitepapers.
Take charge of your creative processes with practical and actionable methods for optimizing personal and professional schedules for busy creatives.
Impact your daily routine for the better with scheduling strategies for better schedules, better emotional states and better work cultures.
Avoid most crises with simple planning and starting with understanding three types of communication crises.
Conducting an inventory of your daily communication channels for any missing platforms, reaching your audience and filling in the communication gaps.
How having a simple list of 10 potential crisis scenarios provides signals to proactively plan and prepare for a crisis, such as public health and safety.
4 questions for an After Action Report (AAR) to document successes and failures of your incident response plan, including how it was managed and its final outcome.
Learn more about how copyhacks and copywriting add value without adding cost.